World Native Language Definition
- Revolution 革命 -something changed
- Revolution length 革命长度 - the happened how many time for changed
- Orbit 轨道 - there some think like Track
- Ellipse 椭圆 - circular
- Axis tilt 轴倾斜 - the think form earth take 24hr
The earth's have Revolution for each year.The equator is the imaginary line in that is in the middle of North and south. The hemisphere is is half of the earth. There are tow hemispheres, the North and the southern. The earth axis is an imaginary line in the middle of the earth and the axis tilt is 23.5 degrees. Each year the Earth Revolution length taking for one year(365 day). The earth it is Ellipse for each year. Then will happen for summer solstice and winter solstice. During the summer solstice north pole will get 24hr daylight than south will 24hr for 24hr darkness. the winter solstice is opposite south pole will get 24hr daylight than North will 24hr for 24hr darkness. The summer solstice is June 21 or 22. The winter solstice is on December 24 or 22. That is all showing how the earth changer the season in each years.
Solstices - Jack from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.
- How is earth affected by movement (revolution)?
Revolution mean seasons are caused by the movements of the Earth. The first is the rotation of the Earth around an invisible axis. It takes the Earth about 24 hours to finish one complete rotation. The second important movement that affects the Earth is its revolution around the Sun. One revolution takes 365 days, or one year. The moon is around the earth each time taking 27 or 28 days. This was showing earth affected by movement.
Reflection :
- What did you enjoin most about this project and why?
I most enjoin about this project is have fun for make and showing the teamwork to make this project done.
- What was most challenging for you during this project and why ?
I think the most challenging for this project is acting the park for each work showing the picture explain, if one think is Wong, we must do agent.
- What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I most learning in this project is in the earth between the Summer solstice and winter solstice each different.
- Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?Explain.
I think in my team this project was not perfect,cause we don't have doing very well in the project. I should doing hard for next project to get more perfect.